Western Reserve Brewing®

Brewers and bottlers of craft beer proudly made by and for the people of Northern Ohio.


Philosophy 101

A happy brewer can stand on the roof of his brewery and see the homes of all of his customers.

-- German Proverb


Western Reserve Brewing is a small, manufacturing microbrewery in Cleveland, Ohio.  We make a variety of distinctive beers for the Cleveland and Northern Ohio region.  We brew these beers ourselves, in our own brewery, right here in town, because we feel that's an important part of of being a local business, with a local focus.  When people ask us: "Oh, do you guys plan to be the next Sam Adams?" the answer is: "No."  The thing that makes the industrial beers so ordinary is the fact that the breweries are so big.  The larger a brewery becomes, the more mass-market its beer has to be, to appeal to the greatest number of people.  The beer becomes like McDonalds® hamburgers -- consistently the same everywhere you go, but not exactly a fine dining experience.

By staying small and local, we have the freedom to go farther afield in brewing unusual beer styles and trying distinctive tastes.  In addition, we can keep better control of the beer once it leaves the brewery.  All the beer we sell is available within a short afternoon's drive of the brewery, so we can keep an eye on it -- we can make sure it's being kept cold and that stock is rotated so that the beer is always fresh.  If we find a store or restaurant has old beer, we exchange it for fresh beer at our expense, because that's our commitment to ensuring that the consumer gets the best we have to offer.

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Gavin Smith, CEO

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Andrew Craze, Brewmaster

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This page last modified 01/17/00.